Eternium lockboxes
Eternium lockboxes

TIP: If it is not peak hours on your server (not a lot of competition) then the spawn rate in these caves will be a lot lower. Enter the cave, follow your way all the way down and do a big circle. The entrance is located at 37,88.(Click to see a high resolution version) Mining The route is very simple. (Click to see a high resolution version) Here is the map for the location of the cave. Also, notice the three nodes on the minimap. Here is a screenshot of me inside the cave so you can what it looks like. Luckily, my main is a rogue so I am amble to pickpocket all the mobs in this cave. Well, if 5-10 minutes go by and no one has entered this cave there will 100% be at least 4-5 in there. The thing is, with SO many people out in the Twilight Highlands mining the nodes are constantly respawning.

eternium lockboxes

I found this cave in Twilight Highlands that is a miner's paradise! There is usually an average of 4-5 nodes in the cave at all times (See screenshot) and sometimes even 6-7. Luckily in this case, this is a good thing for us.

eternium lockboxes

Ever since they nerfed the amount of mining nodes there has been a lot more competition when farming for ore. A Miner's / Lockpicker's Paradise - Tons of Elementium, Pyrite, Cloth, and Lockboxes Hey guys.

Eternium lockboxes